About us

Coaching Bios

“Helping kids find and build real MOMENTUM in their lives.”

Coach Mendoza


Mark grew up in a smaller town in central California where he was the oldest of ten kids. His parents fostered several kids (27 to be ​exact) and adopted six of them. He graduated from Atwater High in 1997. During his teenage years Mark earned his Eagle Scout award along ​with two Palms through the Boy Scout program.

While in High School Mark also participated on several sports teams including Cross Country, Wrestling, Track and Field, Soccer, and the ​Diving team. He eared several awards through these programs and was voted Most Dedicated, Most Valuable and earned Coaches Awards ​on numerous occasions. Mark also served in several leadership roles on his teams and different roles on school counsels.

What most people don’t know about Mark when they see him now, is that he was the smallest kid in H.S. He wasn’t able to wrestle the ​first two years of high school because he didn’t meet the minimum weight requirement of 88 lbs. He topped out at 76 lbs by the end of his ​sophomore year. By the end of his senior year he tipped the scales at about 114 lbs and was a whopping 5'6" tall. A stark difference from ​the 6' and 190 lbs frame he now sits in. Being so small in H,S., he learned to deal with bulling and how to maximize his true potential.

Once Mark graduated, he moved to Utah for six months working construction to earn money for his church mission he would serve. ​Mark served as a missionary in the “Denver Colorado South Mission” for two years. When he returned from his mission, he married and ​grew his family with five amazing kiddos. While pursuing his passions for running and coaching he served in many key leadership roles in ​each place he worked. Coaching and leading people seemed like a natural fit for him.

In 2010 Mark bought into and started running his own business where he found a ton of success operating one of the most profitable ​locations in the Kneaders brand. In 2017 he was awarded “Operator of the Year” for his outstanding performance in the industry. His ability ​to coach and mentor 100’s of young people fueled his success. Mark eventually worked his way to become a District Manager and over saw ​200+ young minds and thrived on the opportunity to coach and develop them.

In 2020 Marks world was turned upside down just like so many others. In the span of just a few months he had to confront and deal ​with the effects of COVID and the national shutdown, a divorce after being married for 20 years, his home being sold, then being told after ​10 years with the same company that he would no longer be employed. He was left with No job, no business, no home and only being able ​to see his kids half the week.

Mark knows a thing or two about losing everything and having to dust yourself off and start over. He has remarried an amazing woman ​and now has a blended family with nine kids (four of which are teenagers). Mark has an innate ability to connect and communicate to those ​he meets and wants to help you learn how to do the same. As a certified personal trainer and competitive athlete he is certainly qualified ​to help you find and build momentum in your life.

Coach Jovan

Jovan has an incredible passion and love for people. She makes friends wherever she goes, a perk I'm sure from growing up in a ​military family and having the chance to live in different places and meet lots of people. She has 2 sisters and 3 half-brothers and lived ​with her mother and Stepfather but would spend some weekends and a few weeks in the summer with her Dad.

Jovan is fun, competitive, and enjoys being active. She played volleyball and danced all through high school. While in high school ​Jovan learned that she had a love for teaching when she was able to go to the elementary school and work with children who were ​behind. Then when she got to college, she was excited for the chance to take child development classes. She has since had the privilege ​to work with children of all ages.

As a young single mother, she started working at a preschool where her son could also attend so she could be close to him. She quickly ​bonded with her students and their families and loved being a part of their lives. As she spent time with other children, she noticed that ​her son was not developing at the same rate as other children his age. After a lot of research and tests Jovan learned that her son has ​sensory processing issues, a mild to moderate hearing loss, an intellectual disability, and is on the Autism Spectrum. This was a lot to hear ​and take on as a single Mother, but she did all that she could to afford them the help that they needed.

This life experience taught Jovan about adversity, perseverance, and stepping out of her comfort zone. Jovan did eventually marry and ​had three beautiful daughters, who she excitedly shared her passion for dance with, but she didn’t stop there. She has been blessed with ​opportunities to teach dance to individuals and groups ages 18 months all the way to adulthood. She thrives on connecting with others ​and helping them to see their worth, being able to watch their confidence grow fills her cup.

A few years ago, Jovan’s world turned upside down when she was woken up by her then husband telling her that he had assaulted their ​12-year-old daughter. Overnight Jovan’s life drastically changed. She divorced her husband and had to learn how to move forward on her ​own with 4 children and no assistance. With help from our Heavenly Father, Jovan and her children were able to find strength and ​guidance to get through this unimaginable situation.

Jovan has since remarried a man that she says, “exceeds all her wildest dreams!” and is now a mother to 9 amazing children. She is one ​blessed woman. She has learned that there is joy through and on the other side of hardship. She holds tight to hope and has faith in all ​things, she understands who she is, and that she is loved and watched over. Helping others to know these things is an important part of ​her mission. We are supposed to be HAPPY in this life and Jovan would love to help guide you to your happiness, create momentum and ​so much more.

Coach Greg Lundell

Greg started the adventures of life like most of us, crying, naked, and yet full of ALL of the potential the world in the 80’s had to offer, minus ​the bad clothes and too much hairspray.

Surely but not so slowly, he learned that moving, and quickly, was a great key in life.

As the ‘little guy’ in grade school he was subject to verbal and physical bullying that kept him on the move constantly. Greg learned to pick ​and choose the people around him carefully.

He survived and thrived the teenage wonderland in Rigby, Idaho, through sports, music, and family. Growing up near several cousins who ​would ultimately be more like brothers, they all learned together basic principals like how to treat a lady, pray, change a tire, and how to get ​away with crazy kid ideas like jumping off roof onto the trampoline without mom and dad knowing. (Sorry mom if you’re just learning this now)

Music and sports accolades were supplemented by becoming an Eagle Scout and earning a music scholarship to college.

Building off of a love for music, sports, people, and family, the next couple decades were scattered with attending college football games all ​over the country, serving a church mission in Knoxville, Tennessee, and developing countless employees and leaders throughout the US and ​Canada in the restaurant industry. No matter where he went, coming ‘home’ was always where family was and a sure place for great hugs and ​amazing food.

Growing into the roll of a dad was the greatest challenge/opportunity of his life. Co-parenting is not for the weak of heart. But leaning on the ​examples of a great dad, uncles, cousins, and grandfathers alike, he took the challenge head on and worked tirelessly to provide the time, ​opportunity, and adventures that every little boy wants and deserves with their dad. Dylan and Austin are still his greatest adventure buddies.

When COVID hit the world, in many ways, the world stopped. As life went on and adjustments were becoming necessary, many ​circumstances beyond his control claimed stake on the work and investments to life Greg had been depositing.

There was an unexpected loss of a 6 figure salary job, recovering from a devastating miscarriage, even learning about sexual abuse that had ​occurred to his 6 year old, the end of 2020 and beginning of 2021 quite literally nearly took his life.

The recovery of those (and other) catastrophes ultimately lead him to a chilly February afternoon sitting on the cold concrete floor in the ​garage, phone in one hand, firearm in the other. The decision to call 911 rather than pull the trigger was a difficult but brave call. And while the ​next few months, which included a divorce, loss of access to his 6 year old, and 2 stays in a mental hospital, didn’t immediately feel like a step ​in a good direction, there was movement and momentum.

In the last year, Greg has taken on the exciting challenges of running over twenty five 5K races to date, completing two Spartan races, and ​working on not only becoming the man he was meant to be but the father, brother, son, friend, and success story he believes everyone has ​within them. As a certified personal trainer and coach Greg doesn’t give up on himself, and he won’t give up on you.

Coach Jeremy Miller

Bio coming soon:

We are super excited to have Coach Miller as part of our Momentum team.