

how to get started:

how to get started:

Couch to 5k training program

-Bill Bowerman

“Victory is in having done your best. If you've done your best, you've won.”

(American track and field coach and co-founder of Nike)

This 30 day plan is sure to ​change your life.

The first two weeks we are just going to get ​comfortable with the idea of running. Your ​biggest ally in this endeavor will be your ​discipline to consistency.

Be relentless in your dedication to ​consistently running. This is how you will ​find success!

If you need something to help get ​the ball rolling? Go buy yourself a ​sweet new pair of running shoes. ​Most running stores have people ​that can help guide you to the right ​pair. My best word of advice is make ​sure they feel awesome the moment ​you put them on. Second, make sure ​they look super cool. This will help ​you not only want to put them on ​but will make you run just a little ​faster.

With any type of exercise, it is ​crucial to set some time aside ​afterwards to stretch, especially ​when its new and not something you ​do daily.

Shall we begin?! Not quite yet. We ​haven’t signed up for a 5k yet. I can’t ​begin to tell you how motivating ​this will be. Do a quick google ​search for a local 5k race in your ​area. Pay for the race, then tell ​everyone you know what you are ​going to do in the next 30 days. ​You’re in it now. You’ve burned the ​ships. There is no retreat at this ​point. There is only one way and ​that is forward.


Woman Holding Sign

Couch to 5k training program

Day 1-30


Make a plan and go for a walk. It can be 2 times around the block or a half mile out and back. You do you boo.


Accountability partner (whether this partner is a friend, neighbor, or family member) this needs to be someone ​who loves you and wants to see you succeed with the goals you set. And go for another walk and think about ​what it would feel like to jog this same walk you are taking.


Start with a walk and part way through the walk jog the second half.


Jog and walk: walk a minute, jog a minute, walk a minute, jog a minute. Do this for up to a mile or a distance you ​feel comfortable with.


Muscles may feel a little stiff. That’s a good thing! You are doing GREAT! Today, walk for one minute and jog for ​one. Once you feel loose, try and jog for two and walk for one.


Day six! Way to go! Today we want to stretch and get loose. Today we will go a little further than we have ever ​gone this week. It doesn’t have to be a ton more, just enough to stretch you.


You would think that today is a rest day, but it is not. Not really. The moment we tell ourselves we don’t need to ​show up for ourselves is the day we start giving ourselves excuses as to why we don’t need to show up the ​following day. So go for a walk today. This is your rest day, just a walk.


Today we are going to start with a minute walk then finish with a light jog for the length of a mile. Take this mile ​at a speed that feels comfortable. Even if all you do is survival shuffle. Don’t forget to Stretch.


Let’s run a mile and walk a half mile as a cool down. Stretch.


Time your mile. How fast are you? This will be important for next week. It doesn’t matter how fast you are, just ​knowing where you are currently is important. Be sure to jog around the block as a warm-up. And do the same ​after you’ve timed your mile. And as always Stretch.


You may be feeling the speedy mile you jogged/walked/ran yesterday. This is a good thing. If you are sore, it ​means you are challenging yourself and you are becoming stronger. Light jog for a mile with a half a mile cool ​down walk.


Time to grow. Let’s jog a mile and a half. If you need to slow and walk for a bit that’s okay but never walk for ​more then a minute at a time. Don’t forget to check in with you accountability partner. Tell them about your ​wins as you have begun this journey. Remind them about your goals. Ask them to keep you honest and steadfast ​as you work towards your goals.


This mile and a half run is going to take us to the next level. It’s time for a mile and a half run. Do your best to jog ​the entire mile and a half. At this point it’s important to keep track of your pace. How fast is your pace. Are you ​averaging 12 mins a mile? 11? 10? 9? Or are you a little faster and you’re hitting the 7:30 pace? No matter where ​you’re at, the goal is to steadily improve upon that pace. It’s going to look different and feel different depending ​on the day. You’ll have good days and days that feel a little harder. This is perfectly normal. Even the Greatest ​runners of all time experience this. If there is a day you feel more like Forest Gump, you know “I can run like the ​wind blows” type of feeling, go with it! We aren’t looking to improve our pace by a full minute. We are looking for ​small wins that are measurable and attainable. If your pace improves by 5 seconds every mile you run, then you ​are winning! Cooling down and stretching at this point is an everyday thing.


Mix it up. If you’re like me, you end up running the same course day after day. Do it differently. Run your course ​backwards. Ask someone to pick you up and instead of running in a circle, run straight out from the house for a ​mile and a half. You should know where the mile marker is in every direction from your home. Today is our rest ​day so take the opportunity to discover a mile marker in a new direction. Walk or easy jog that mile.


It’s been two weeks, and you should be feeling a little more comfortable with the idea of running. Today is our ​challenge day. Let’s go the distance. 2-mile run. How good will that feel to tell your family and friends. “Today I ​ran two miles!” Hear is what will happen. You will begin to inspire others. Through your efforts they will believe ​in you, and they will begin to believe in themselves.


Half mile warm-up. Stretch. Let’s run a mile and a half today. Do it at a pace that is comfortable, and you know ​you can finish the mile and a half. Cool down and stretch. Something to think about as you are putting in the ​miles and becoming a champion. Make sure to drink water throughout the day. It’s important to stay hydrated.


Warm up (this could look however you want) For me, I like my warm-up to be part of my run. Here’s what I mean ​by that. It takes me about a half mile to get things going. My joints, ligaments and muscles all need to get ​moving and lubricated and this happens as I start my run. After about a half mile (which I’m very aware of where ​that’s at) I turn on some speed. I open my stride, I’m conscious of my arms, head, shoulders, and my breathing. I ​find a quicker pace that I feel comfortable running for two more miles. As you can see, I just made my warm-up ​part of my run. Time to cool down and stretch.


It’s been a week since we’ve timed our mile. Let’s set a new PR (Personal Record) after all, you are only ​competing with yourself. I believe in you! Do a quick warm up, stretch, and get yourself in a place mentally to ​know you’ll win. A win would be beating your time last week. Even if it’s a second, I’m guessing you’ll surprise ​yourself because of the dedication you’ve put in over the past two and a half weeks. After your timed mile (High ​five by the way for the new PR) jog a half mile as a cool down. Stretch.


In all honesty I hope you’re a little sore from your new PR. All this means is that you pushed yourself. Today we ​will jog two miles at a comfortable pace. Cool Down and stretch.


Did someone say two-mile run?! That’s easy! Cool down and stretch. How’s the H2O consumption throughout ​your day? Do you have a favorite water bottle? Make sure that new Stanley is always full.


I know you’ve been thinking about it…you’ve been wondering if you could run three miles without stopping. We ​will answer that question today. Today is a nice easy three-mile run. Run at a comfortable pace. You are my ​HERO. You can do it. You will do it. Once you finish, walk the block, and think about how far you’ve come. ​STRETCH.


It’ time to run. Let’s run a new route for two miles. As we do so let’s be conscious of our pace and breathing. ​Don’t forget to keep them shoulders relaxed. New routes are fun! Cool Down and stretch.


Let’s up the anni today. Let’s go for a two-and-a-half-mile run. Then hit a cool down. How was your pace? Are ​you feeling a little more comfortable?


Warmup. As you run this two-mile run, I want you to push your pace ever so slightly. It’s not race pace, but you ​should feel you pushed yourself. Cool down and stretch.


You are a PRO. Today we “rest”. Go for a mile walk with a loved one or a close friend. While you’re walking, tell ​them about your running journey thus far. Tell them how you are feeling. Let them know how running has ​impacted you over the past three weeks. Show gratitude toward them and let them know how they have ​impacted your life in a positive way.


Time trial: How fast can we run that mile? Time for another PR! Let’s do a little warm up, stretch, and get our ​mind right so we are prepared to hit that PR. After your speedy mile at record pace, run a mile as a cool down. ​Stretch. H2O.


Time for a long slow run. We are going for a new distance today. Three and a half miles. You can do it. Take it nice ​and easy. Let the first half mile be your warmup and the last half mile be your cool down. Stretch. CHAMPION.


Well, now you know you can complete the 3.1 mile (5k) race you’ve signed up for which is now just around the ​corner. Today we will do a 2.5-mile run. Cool down and stretch.


Tomorrow is race day if we planned our 30 days right. Today we will just jog a single mile nice and easy and ​stretch super good. Drink plenty of water today so you are hydrated for your race.


RACE DAY!!!!! Here are a few things to remember for the race. Some people take off like a bullet at the ​beginning of the race. No need to do that. Start the race at a very comfortable pace. What we will do is get faster ​as the race goes on. I find it’s helpful to remind myself to relax and breath throughout the race. A big part of ​your body to watch and make sure is relaxed are your shoulders. You will waste an enormous amount of energy ​with tension in your shoulders. Just relax. Open up your stride. Breath. Remind yourself during the race when it ​feels hard about all the hard work you have already put in. You are capable and strong! I am Cheering you on!

WAY TO GO!!! YOU DID IT!! Now go tell ​everyone what you were able to do.